How It Works |

How It Works

Fill in exchange details

1. Fill in exchange details

Make a deposit

2. Make a deposit

Receive crypto

3. Receive crypto

How to exchange cryptocurrency on

Step 1

Fill in exchange details

Select the currency you want to exchange and the currency you want to receive in return. Enter the amount you want to exchange in the first input field. You choose between two exchange options: a floating and a fixed exchange rate at the top of the widget.

Enter the recipient's wallet address where we will send the coins after the exchange. Carefully review all the information and click the "Exchange" button.

Step 1. Fill in exchange details

Step 2

Make a deposit

To initiate the automatic exchange process, you need to send a deposit to the specified address. Copy the deposit address into your wallet or use the QR code. Please be aware that blockchain transactions are irreversible, so double-check the amount and deposit address before sending funds.

Note that if any additional parameters are required for the deposit transaction, this information will be displayed on the screen at this step.

Step 2. Make a deposit

Step 3

Wait for the coins to exchange

After you've sent the deposit, you'll need to wait for all the necessary steps for the exchange to be completed. Information about the current status of the exchange is displayed in the status bar.

  • Blockchain Confirmations At this stage, we can already see that you've sent the funds. All that remains is to wait for the required number of blockchain confirmations to ensure that the funds have reached the recipient.
  • Exchanging At this stage, our system automatically performs the exchange through our liquidity provider.
  • Sending Coins Almost done; we are in the process of sending your coins.
Step 3. Wait for the coins to exchange

Step 4

The exchange is complete!

You can find details about the exchange in the details section. The team would be immensely grateful if you could share your experience with our service on Trustpilot. If you have any questions, we'd be happy to answer them—just email us at

Step 4. Exchange completed

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