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<0>0>btc btc ada ada btc btc dot dot eth eth ltc ltc trx trx usdc eth usdt eth vet vet xmr xmr xrp xrp zil zil busd eth busd bsc cusd celo dai eth dai bsc dai matic dai arbitrum dai op eurc eth eurt eth fdusd eth fdusd bsc frax eth gusd eth lusd eth ousd eth pyusd eth susd eth tusd eth tusd bsc tusd trx tusd avaxc usdc eth usdc bsc usdc sol usdc trx usdc matic usdc arbitrum usdc algo usdc avaxc usdc op usdd eth usdd bsc usdd trx usde eth usdj trx usdp eth usdt eth usdt bsc usdt sol usdt trx usdt matic usdt btc usdt arbitrum usdt algo usdt avaxc usdt op usdt near usdt kavaevm 1000sats brc20 1inch eth 1inch bsc aave eth aave bsc abyss eth aca aca ace bsc ach eth ach bsc ada ada ada bsc adp eth adx eth adx bsc aergo eth aero base aevo eth agld eth aioz bsc aitech bsc akita eth akro eth akt akt alcx eth algo algo ali eth alice eth alice bsc alpaca bsc alpha eth alpha bsc alpine bsc alt eth amb amb amo eth amp eth ankr eth ankr bsc ant eth ape eth ape bsc api3 eth apt apt aqt eth aquagoat bsc ar ar arb eth arb arbitrum arbusdce arbitrum arc eth ardr ardr ark ark arkm eth arpa eth arpa bsc arrr bsc arv bsc ast eth astr astr ata eth ata bsc ath eth atlas sol atom atom atom bsc auction eth auction bsc audio eth aurora eth auto bsc ava eth ava bsc ava bnb ava2 eth ava2 bsc avax bsc avax xchain avax cchain avn bsc awc eth awc bsc awc bnb axl axl axl bsc axs eth axs bsc babydoge bsc bad eth badger eth bake bsc bal eth bal bsc bam eth banana eth band band band eth band bsc bat eth bat bsc bazed eth bch bch bch bsc beamx eth beamx bsc bebe arbitrum befi eth bel eth bel bsc belt bsc beta eth beta bsc bft eth bgb eth bico eth bifi eth bin bsc bit eth blocks eth blok bsc blok matic blur eth blz eth blz bsc bnb bnb bnb bsc bnb opbnb bnt eth bnt bsc bnx bsc bob eth boba eth bome sol bond eth bone eth bonk bsc bonk sol boson eth brett base brg bsc brise brise brise bsc bsv bsv bsw bsc btc btc btcb bsc btcst bsc btg btg btt bsc bttc eth bttc bsc bttc trx bunny bsc burger bsc busd eth 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drep bsc dusk eth dusk bsc dydx dydx dydx eth dym dym edu bsc efi eth egld egld egld bsc ego bsc ela eth elf eth elf bsc elon eth ena eth enj enj ens eth eos eos eos bsc epic epic eps bsc epx bsc ern eth etc etc etc bsc eth eth eth bsc eth arbitrum eth op eth zksync eth base eth lna eth strk eth manta ethfi eth ethw ethw eurc eth euri eth euri bsc eurt eth farm eth fdusd eth fdusd bsc fet fet fet eth fet bsc fida sol fil fil fil bsc fio fio fire bsc firo firo firo bsc fis eth fitfi avaxc floki eth floki bsc flow flow flow bsc flr flr fluf bsc flux eth flux bsc foom eth for eth for bsc forth eth fox eth frax eth ftm ftm ftm eth ftm bsc ftn ftn ftt eth fud trx fun eth fuse eth fwc bsc fxs eth g eth g bsc gafa bsc gafi bsc gala eth gari sol gas neo geth eth gft bsc ghny bsc ghst eth ghst matic glm eth glmr glmr gmt eth gmt bsc gmt sol gmx arbitrum gmx avaxc gno eth gns matic gns arbitrum gods eth govi eth grape bsc grt eth grt matic grt arbitrum gst sol gt eth gtai bsc gtc eth guard bsc gusd eth ham bsc hapi eth hard bsc hbar hbar hex eth hez eth hft eth hft bsc hiazuki eth hifi eth high eth high bsc hive hive hmc bsc hnt sol hoge eth hook bsc hot eth hotcross bsc hsf eth hunt eth icp icp icx icx id eth id bsc idex eth ilv eth ilv bsc imx eth inj inj inj eth inj bsc io sol iost iost iota iota iota bsc iotx iotx iotx bsc ipmb matic iq eth islm eth jasmy eth jbx eth jetton ton joe avaxc joystream joy jst bsc jst trx jto sol jup sol jusdt ton kas kas kava kava kcs eth kda kda keanu eth keke eth kiba eth kiba bsc kishu eth klay klay klee eth klv klv klv trx kmd kmd kmd bsc knc eth knc bsc kok eth kot ton kp3r eth ksm ksm l3 eth ladys eth lazio bsc lbp eth ldo eth ldo arbitrum lead eth leash eth lee bsc leo eth lever eth life eth lina eth lina bsc link eth link bsc link matic link arbitrum lista bsc lit eth lmwr eth lnq eth lock eth lof bsc loka eth lon eth looks eth loom eth lpt eth lqty eth lrc eth lrc bsc lsk eth ltc ltc ltc bsc lto eth lto bsc luffy eth luna luna lunc lunc lusd eth magic arbitrum mana eth mana bsc manta manta marsh bsc mask eth mask bsc matic matic matic eth matic bsc maticusdce matic mav eth max eth max matic mbox bsc mda eth mdt eth mdt bsc meld ada meme eth metis eth mew sol mina mina mint bsc mith eth mkr eth mkr bsc mln eth mnt mnt mnt eth mnw eth mode mode mog eth momento bsc mong eth movr movr mtv eth muse eth mv matic mx eth myro sol naft bsc naka matic near near near bsc neo neo neo neo3 netvr eth never sol nexo eth nexo matic next eth nfai eth nft trx nftb bsc nibi nibi nmr eth not ton now eth now bsc now bnb nuls bsc nwc eth nyxt eth oax eth ogn eth okb eth om eth om bsc omg eth omni eth ondo eth one one ong ont ont ont ont bsc op op open eth opul eth opul algo opusdce op orbs eth orc eth ordi brc20 orn eth orn bsc osmo osmo ousd eth oxt eth pandora eth paw eth paxg eth pbx bsc peipei eth pendle eth pendle arbitrum peng sol people eth people bsc pepe eth perl eth perp eth perp bsc pew eth pha eth pha bsc phb bsc pika eth pit bsc pivx pivx pixel eth planet eth pls pulse plx eth pndc eth png avaxc pnk eth pol eth pols eth pols bsc polyx polyx pond eth ponke sol poodl bsc poolx bsc popcat sol porto bsc powr eth ppm bsc ppy matic prime eth prom eth prom bsc pros eth pros bsc prq eth psps eth pundix eth pyr eth pyr matic pyth sol pyusd eth qi bsc qi avaxc qkc eth qnt eth qom eth qtum qtum quack bsc quick eth quick matic raca eth raca bsc rad eth radar eth raincoin matic rare eth rari eth ray sol rcn eth rdnt eth rdnt bsc rdnt arbitrum reef eth reef bsc ren eth render sol rep eth req eth rez eth rise bsc rjv eth rjv bsc rlc eth rly eth ronin ron root eth rose rose rpl eth rsr eth rss3 eth rune rune rvn rvn safe eth saga saga san eth sand eth sand bsc sand matic santos bsc sc sc scrat sol scrt scrt sdao eth sdao bsc sei sei sfp bsc sfuel bsc sfund bsc shib eth shib bsc shr eth sidus eth skill bsc skl eth slf slf slp eth slp bsc snek ada snsy eth snt eth snx eth snx bsc snx op sol sol sol bsc solve eth spell eth sps bsc srk eth srm eth srm sol ssv eth starl eth steem steem steth eth stg eth stg bsc stg matic stg avaxc stg ftm stkk bsc stmx eth storj eth stpt eth strk strk strk eth strm bsc stx stx sui sui sun bsc sun trx sundog trx super eth susd eth sushi eth sushi bsc sweat eth swftc eth swrv eth sxp sxp syn eth synt eth sys sys sys sysevm t eth tao tao tdrop theta tel eth tel matic tenshi eth tet eth tfuel theta theta theta tia tia time eth time bsc tipsy bsc tking bsc tko bsc tlm eth tlm bsc tlos eth tlos bsc tnsr sol token bsc tomi eth ton ton ton eth ton bsc trac eth trb eth tru eth tru bsc trvl eth trvl bsc trx trx trx bsc trxold bsc tston ton tsuka eth tt eth tt bsc tup eth turbo eth tusd eth tusd bsc tusd trx tusd avaxc twt bsc ubt eth uds eth ufo eth uft eth uft bsc uft matic uma eth unfi eth unfi bsc uni eth uni bsc uni arbitrum unibot eth uos eth uqc eth urus eth usdc eth usdc bsc usdc sol usdc trx usdc matic usdc arbitrum usdc algo usdc avaxc usdc celo usdc op usdc xlm usdc ron usdc kcc usdc base usdd eth usdd bsc usdd trx usde eth usdj trx usdp eth usdt eth usdt bsc usdt sol usdt trx usdt matic usdt btc usdt arbitrum usdt algo usdt avaxc usdt celo usdt op usdt near usdt kavaevm usdt eos usdt xtz usdt ton utk eth vanry eth vela arbitrum velo bsc vemp eth verse eth vet vet vet bsc vgx eth vib eth vidt eth vidt bsc vinu eth vite bsc vlx bsc volt eth volt bsc voxel matic vps eth vxv eth w eth w sol wait eth walv bsc waves waves waves eth waves bsc waxe eth waxl eth waxp waxp wbtc eth wbtc matic wbtc arbitrum wbtc op wemix wemix wif sol win bsc win trx wise eth wld eth wld op wnxm eth wojak eth wolf eth woo eth woo bsc woo arbitrum world eth wozx eth xai arbitrum xaut eth xch xch xcn eth xcur bsc xdc xdc xdefi eth xec xec xem xem xio eth xlm xlm xmr xmr xno nano xprt xprt xr bsc xrp xrp xrp bsc xtz xtz xtz bsc xvg xvg xvs bsc xym xym xyo eth yfi eth yfi bsc yfii eth ygg eth ygg bsc yooshi bsc zax bsc zec zec zec bsc zen zen zeta zeta zeta eth zil zil zil bsc zk zksync zoon bsc zro eth zro bsc zro arbitrum zrx eth zypto eth