Exchange Tether Gold | How to Exchange Tether Gold (XAUT) |

How to Exchange Tether Gold (XAUT)

Exchange XAUT instantly

Swap Tether Gold (XAUT) in a few clicks on
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Historical Price Chart

Tether Gold Current Market Data

NameTether Gold
Price Change 24h-0.15%
Price Change 7d-0.65%
Price Change 30d-3.03%
Price Change 60d-1.22%
Market Cap$496,396,553.33
Circulating Supply246,524.00 XAUT
Volume 24h$4,869,138.20

How to Exchange Tether Gold in Just a Few Straightforward Steps

If you are looking to XAUT exchange, you are in the right place. Swap Tether Gold in a matter of minutes using crypto exchange. Just adhere to these 4 simple steps.

Pick XAUT and any coin from over a 700+ listed assets. (pay attention to the network).
Choose XAUT and preferable coin for swapping
To proceed with the XAUT exchange, you need to provide the recipient’s wallet address and press “Exchange”.
Provide wallet address
Make a deposit to the address shown on the screen. It's crucial to have the necessary amount to finalize the transaction.
Make a deposit
Congratulations, you just exchanged Tether Gold! Check your wallet to ensure the arrival of your recently acquired coin.
Receive your new coins

Benefits of Exchanging XAUT on



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We are constantly upgrading our platform to make Tether Gold exchanges really fast. The average speed for the swap is about 5-15 minutes.

Popular Tether Gold trading pairs

Here are some popular XAUT trading pairs. You can buy XAUT with every listed coin on

Buy Tether Gold anonymously

Make your fastest XAUT swaps using Our registration free and anonymous service allows you to exchange your crypto without KYC and limits.

How Much Tether Gold Can I Exchange on

Exchanging Tether Gold on is unlimited. You can start swapping XAUT right now starting from the lower limit of ≈ $3.

There are no upper limits for Tether Gold exchanges at Exchange Tether Gold with other cryptocurrencies from the list of over 700 coins as much as you want to.

Cross-chain exchanges are available; just choose any coin on any network and click the Exchange button, and we'll do the rest for you

Why exchange Tether Gold?

Things you will be able to do with exchanged XAUT:

With Tether Gold (XAU₮), you can engage in various activities within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Firstly, you can use XAU₮ as a stablecoin to hold and store your wealth securely. Its value is pegged to the price of one troy ounce of gold, providing stability and avoiding the volatility often associated with other cryptocurrencies. Whether you're looking for a hedge against market fluctuations or a convenient way to diversify your portfolio, XAU₮ allows you to maintain a stable position.

Additionally, you can utilize XAU₮ for trading purposes on different exchanges. Many reputable cryptocurrency exchanges support the trading of Tether Gold, enabling you to easily buy, sell, or trade it against other digital assets. By leveraging these platforms, you have the opportunity to take advantage of market movements, participate in arbitrage opportunities, or simply manage your investments according to your strategies.

Another practical use of XAU₮ is its potential as a medium of exchange. Just like other cryptocurrencies, XAU₮ allows for fast and secure transactions across borders. By using XAU₮, you can bypass traditional intermediaries, reduce transaction costs, and experience quicker settlement times. Whether you're making cross-border payments, conducting international trade, or simply transferring value to others, XAU₮ offers an efficient solution.

Lastly, holding XAU₮ in your cryptocurrency wallet grants you exposure to the price of gold without the need for physical ownership. This accessibility makes it easier for individuals who wish to invest in gold but prefer the convenience of digital assets. With XAU₮, you can enjoy the benefits of gold's inherent value and its historical significance as a store of wealth, all while leveraging the capabilities of blockchain technology.

What is Tether Gold?

Tether Gold (XAUT) is a cryptocurrency that represents ownership of one troy ounce of physical gold on the Ethereum blockchain. It is issued by Tether, a company known for its stablecoin called Tether (USDT). Tether Gold aims to combine the stability and liquidity of traditional gold investments with the convenience and accessibility of digital assets.

Unlike other cryptocurrencies, Tether Gold is backed by physical gold stored in vaults. Each XAUT token represents direct ownership of the underlying gold, and Tether claims that the gold reserves match the amount of XAUT tokens in circulation. This distinguishes Tether Gold from many other cryptocurrencies that derive their value from factors like speculation, utility, or network effects.

The primary purpose of Tether Gold is to provide investors with exposure to gold without the need to physically buy, store, or secure the precious metal. By holding XAUT tokens, users can gain fractional ownership of gold and easily trade it on participating exchanges. This allows for greater flexibility and faster transactions compared to traditional gold markets.

Tether Gold also offers benefits over other cryptocurrencies. While most cryptocurrencies are highly volatile, subject to price fluctuations influenced by various factors, Tether Gold is designed to be relatively stable due to its connection with the gold market. This stability can attract risk-averse investors who seek a more predictable store of value within the crypto space.

Additionally, Tether Gold provides transparency regarding its gold reserves. Tether claims to regularly publish independent verification reports to ensure the correlation between the number of XAUT tokens and the physical gold held. This transparency can help build trust among investors who are concerned about the backing of digital assets.

In terms of usability, Tether Gold can be sent, received, and stored using Ethereum-compatible wallets. Users can leverage existing wallet infrastructure and participate in the Tether Gold ecosystem without the need for specialized software. This makes it easy for individuals to manage their XAUT tokens and engage in transactions whenever they desire.

Brief History of Tether Gold

Tether Gold (XAUT) is a cryptocurrency that was introduced by Tether Limited, the same company behind the popular stablecoin Tether (USDT). XAUT was launched on January 23, 2020, as a representation of physical gold on the blockchain. It was designed to provide users with a digital asset that has the stability of gold and the convenience of a cryptocurrency.

The purpose of Tether Gold(XAUT) is to enable users to buy and sell gold in a digital format, allowing for easier and more efficient transactions compared to traditional methods. By leveraging blockchain technology, XAUT offers the advantages of instant settlement, global accessibility, and increased transparency.

Each unit of Tether Gold(XAUT) is backed by one troy ounce of gold stored in a secure vault. This ensures that there is a direct link between the cryptocurrency and the underlying physical asset, providing users with confidence in the value and authenticity of their holdings. The gold reserves are audited regularly to maintain transparency and verify the backing of the token.

One of the main benefits of Tether Gold(XAUT) is its liquidity and ease of exchange. XAUT can be traded on various cryptocurrency exchanges, making it accessible to a wide range of investors. Its presence on multiple exchanges enhances its market liquidity and provides users with options to find the best prices and execute transactions efficiently.

Tether Limited, the issuer of Tether Gold(XAUT), has established itself as a reputable and trusted company in the cryptocurrency industry. The company is known for its commitment to maintaining the value and stability of its tokens. Tether Gold(XAUT) is no exception, as it aims to offer a reliable store of value backed by physical gold.

To hold and manage Tether Gold(XAUT), users can utilize compatible cryptocurrency wallets that support the ERC-20 standard, as XAUT is an Ethereum-based token. These wallets provide a secure and convenient way to store and transfer the cryptocurrency, ensuring that users have full control over their holdings.

Tether Gold Key Advantages and Unique Features

Tether Gold (XAUT) is a unique cryptocurrency that offers several key advantages and features that set it apart from other cryptocurrencies. One of the primary benefits of Tether Gold is its ability to provide stability and security through its connection to physical gold. Each XAUT token is backed by one troy ounce of gold, which ensures that its value remains relatively stable over time, making it an attractive option for investors looking to hedge against market volatility.

Another advantage of Tether Gold is its ease of use within the crypto ecosystem. Being a cryptocurrency, XAUT can be easily traded on various exchanges, allowing users to buy and sell it with ease. This accessibility makes it a convenient option for individuals who want exposure to gold without the logistical challenges associated with owning physical gold or engaging in traditional gold trading.

The transparency and accountability provided by Tether Gold are also noteworthy features. Unlike some other cryptocurrencies, Tether Gold maintains a one-to-one ratio with physical gold reserves, which are held in a vault and can be audited by third-party professionals. This level of transparency ensures that each XAUT token is fully backed by tangible assets, providing users with confidence in the integrity of the cryptocurrency.

Tether Gold's connection to physical gold also grants it added stability and resilience compared to purely digital assets. While market fluctuations can impact the price of cryptocurrencies, the underlying value of gold provides a solid foundation for XAUT's value. This aspect makes Tether Gold an appealing choice for those seeking a reliable store of value amid economic uncertainties.

Furthermore, Tether Gold facilitates efficient and secure transactions through its blockchain technology. By leveraging the power of blockchain, XAUT enables fast and low-cost transfers across borders, making it a viable alternative to traditional remittance methods. Users can send and receive XAUT tokens quickly, with reduced transaction fees and settlement times compared to conventional financial systems.

10 Facts About Tether Gold

1. Tether Gold (XAUT) is a digital asset that represents ownership of one troy ounce of physical gold on the blockchain.

2. Tether Gold was launched by Tether, the same company behind the popular stablecoin USDT, providing investors with a reliable and transparent way to own and trade gold through a cryptocurrency.

3. The value of Tether Gold is directly linked to the price of gold, making it an ideal investment for those interested in the precious metal without the need for physical ownership or storage.

4. XAUT can be bought and sold on various cryptocurrency exchanges, allowing users to easily trade and invest in gold using their preferred trading platforms.

5. Tether Gold offers the benefits of instant global transferability and accessibility, enabling users to engage in gold-related transactions quickly and efficiently.

6. By holding Tether Gold, investors can diversify their portfolios and hedge against the volatility of traditional financial markets, as gold has historically been a safe-haven asset.

7. Storing Tether Gold is secure and convenient, as it can be stored in any ERC-20 compatible wallet, offering users full control over their assets.

8. Tether Gold provides real-time transparency, with its reserves being regularly audited to ensure that each token is backed by an equivalent amount of physical gold.

9. For those looking to acquire physical gold, Tether offers redemption services where users can exchange their XAUT tokens for actual gold bars, subject to certain minimum requirements.

10. With its strong backing and reputation, Tether Gold has become one of the best-known and most trusted ways to access gold through the world of cryptocurrency.

What is the Best Place to Exchange XAUT?

Via service you can effortlessly swap Tether Gold for over 700+ different assets. Begin by selecting XAUT and your desired coin, paying attention to the network when making your choice. Next, provide the recipient's wallet address for the coin you're swapping to, and press 'Exchange' to continue. Deposit the required amount of XAUT to the address displayed on the screen, ensuring you have the necessary amount to finalize the transaction. Once completed, check your wallet to confirm the arrival of your newly acquired coin. makes exchanging Tether Gold simple and convenient, allowing you to enjoy a seamless experience with an extensive selection of coins to choose from.

Do I need to create an account on to swap Tether Gold?

No, creating an account on is not necessary to swap Tether Gold. The platform is registration-free and does not require any personal information or ID verification. Simply follow the straightforward steps to buy Tether Gold using your cryptocurrency.

How long does it take to exchange Tether Gold on

The exchange process on is typically very fast, usually taking just a few minutes to complete. However, the actual time may vary slightly depending on network traffic and transaction confirmation times.

What is the minimum amount needed to swap xaut on

There is a minimum amount required for exchanging xaut on It's important to note that this minimum amount may change, so it is recommended to check the platform for the latest requirements.

Is legit? Why should I trust is a legitimate platform, operated by a team of experienced crypto enthusiasts with over 7 years of industry knowledge. The platform's main goal is to provide users with a convenient, fast, and transparent service. actively seeks feedback from the community through social networks to continuously improve its services. You can also check the reviews on to gain more confidence in the platform.

What are some popular Tether Gold trading pairs?

Some popular trading pairs for Tether Gold (xaut) on include xaut/BTC, xaut/ETH, xaut/LTC, and xaut/USDT, among others.

Are cross-chain exchanges available for Tether Gold?

Yes, supports cross-chain exchanges for Tether Gold. You can choose any coin on any network, click the 'Exchange' button, and will handle the rest. This allows you to easily swap Tether Gold between different cryptocurrencies without any hassle.

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