Exchange Holo | How to Exchange Holo (HOT) |

How to Exchange Holo (HOT)

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Historical Price Chart

Holo Current Market Data

Price Change 24h-0.99%
Price Change 7d1.89%
Price Change 30d-21.66%
Price Change 60d21.49%
Market Cap$330,067,952.01
Circulating Supply172,836,322,182.97 HOT
Volume 24h$9,716,292.56

How to Exchange Holo in Just a Few Straightforward Steps

If you are looking to HOT exchange, you are in the right place. Swap Holo in a matter of minutes using crypto exchange. Just adhere to these 4 simple steps.

Pick HOT and any coin from over a 700+ listed assets. (pay attention to the network).
Choose HOT and preferable coin for swapping
To proceed with the HOT exchange, you need to provide the recipient’s wallet address and press “Exchange”.
Provide wallet address
Make a deposit to the address shown on the screen. It's crucial to have the necessary amount to finalize the transaction.
Make a deposit
Congratulations, you just exchanged Holo! Check your wallet to ensure the arrival of your recently acquired coin.
Receive your new coins

Benefits of Exchanging HOT on



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We are constantly upgrading our platform to make Holo exchanges really fast. The average speed for the swap is about 5-15 minutes.

Popular Holo trading pairs

Here are some popular HOT trading pairs. You can buy HOT with every listed coin on

Buy Holo anonymously

Make your fastest HOT swaps using Our registration free and anonymous service allows you to exchange your crypto without KYC and limits.

How Much Holo Can I Exchange on

Exchanging Holo on is unlimited. You can start swapping HOT right now starting from the lower limit of ≈ $3.

There are no upper limits for Holo exchanges at Exchange Holo with other cryptocurrencies from the list of over 700 coins as much as you want to.

Cross-chain exchanges are available; just choose any coin on any network and click the Exchange button, and we'll do the rest for you

Why exchange Holo?

Things you will be able to do with exchanged HOT:

Holo (HOT) is a cryptocurrency that powers the Holo network, which aims to create a decentralized hosting ecosystem for distributed applications. Here are four things you can do with your Holo cryptocurrency:

1. Host decentralized applications: As a holder of Holo tokens, you can use them to host or pay for hosting services on the Holo network. The network provides a peer-to-peer platform for developers to deploy and distribute their decentralized applications without relying on centralized servers.

2. Buy goods and services: Some merchants and service providers accept Holo as a payment method. So, you can use your Holo tokens to purchase products or services from these businesses. However, keep in mind that not all merchants accept cryptocurrencies, including Holo.

3. Trade on exchanges: Holo cryptocurrency is listed on various crypto exchanges. You can buy or sell Holo tokens on these platforms, depending on the current market conditions. Trading Holo on an exchange may provide an opportunity to profit from price fluctuations.

4. Hold as an investment: Similar to other cryptocurrencies, Holo's value can increase or decrease over time. If you believe in the potential of the Holo network and its ecosystem, you may choose to hold Holo tokens as an investment. However, investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks, and you should do your research before making any investment decisions.

What is Holo?

Holo (HOT) is a cryptocurrency that aims to provide a decentralized hosting platform for distributed applications. The project's goal is to create a peer-to-peer network where users can host their own applications and data, eliminating the need for centralized cloud-based hosting services.

Holo is based on the Holochain framework, which uses a unique approach to blockchain technology. Unlike traditional blockchains, where all nodes must agree on the same exact copy of the ledger, Holochain uses a validation process where each node validates its own copy of the shared data. This means that transactions can be processed much more quickly and efficiently than on a traditional blockchain.

The Holo ecosystem includes two tokens: HOT and Holo fuel (Holoport fuel). HOT is an ERC-20 token that serves as a bridge currency between other cryptocurrencies and Holo fuel. Holo fuel is the native token of the Holo ecosystem and is used to pay for hosting services on the network.

The Holo network is designed to be highly scalable, allowing it to handle large numbers of transactions without slowing down or becoming congested. Users can earn Holo fuel by providing hosting services on the network, creating incentives for individuals and organizations to participate in the network.

One of the primary use cases for Holo is to provide hosting services for distributed applications, such as social networks, marketplaces, and gaming platforms. By using a decentralized hosting platform, these applications can offer increased security, privacy, and resilience compared to traditional centralized hosting services.

In addition to hosting services, Holo also enables developers to create decentralized applications using the Holochain framework. This allows for the creation of truly decentralized applications that are not reliant on any central authority or intermediary.

The Holo ecosystem is still in its early stages of development, with many exciting projects currently being built on the platform. One such project is Elemental Chat, a decentralized messaging application that is built on the Holo network.

The Holo network is powered by a global network of nodes, which are run by individuals and organizations all over the world. These nodes work together to provide hosting services and process transactions on the network.

Holo is designed to be highly energy-efficient and environmentally friendly compared to traditional blockchain networks. Because each node only validates its own copy of the shared data, the network requires much less computational power and energy to operate.

Holo has a strong focus on community involvement and participation. The project's development is largely driven by community contributions, and the team regularly engages with the community through social media and other channels.

The Holo ecosystem includes several tools and resources to help developers build and deploy decentralized applications on the network. These include developer documentation, SDKs, and a growing library of pre-built components and modules.

The Holo project was founded by Arthur Brock and Eric Harris-Braun, who have been working together on decentralized technologies since the early 2000s. The team behind Holo includes developers, designers, and community managers from all over the world.

As with any cryptocurrency, investing in Holo carries significant risks and should be approached with caution. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and subject to sudden price swings, so investors should always do their own research and invest only what they can afford to lose.

Overall, Holo is an innovative cryptocurrency that aims to provide a decentralized hosting platform for distributed applications. With its unique approach to blockchain technology and strong focus on community involvement, Holo has the potential to become a major player in the decentralized computing space.

Brief History of Holo

Holo (HOT) is a peer-to-peer distributed platform designed to provide a decentralized hosting service for individuals and businesses. The project was launched in 2017 by the Holo organization, which aims to create a more democratized internet that is not controlled by centralized entities.

The Holo platform runs on the Holochain framework, which is a scalable, agent-centric distributed computing system capable of handling millions of transactions per second. The platform uses a unique consensus protocol called "proof-of-service" that rewards users for providing hosting services to other users.

The Holo ICO was launched in April 2018, raising over $20 million in funding. The initial price of HOT was set at $0.0002 per token, and the ICO sold out within 30 seconds.

Following the ICO, the Holo team began working on the development of the HoloPorts, which are specialized hardware devices designed to run the Holo hosting software and earn HOT tokens through proof-of-service. The first batch of HoloPorts were shipped in early 2020.

In late 2019, Holo announced a partnership with Mozilla, the organization behind the Firefox web browser, to explore how the Holo platform could be integrated with the WebAssembly standard. This collaboration aimed to make it easier for developers to build decentralized applications on the Holo platform.

In early 2021, Holo launched its mainnet, which enabled users to start using the Holo hosting service and earning HOT tokens through proof-of-service. The launch was accompanied by a significant increase in the price of HOT, which reached an all-time high of $0.031 in April 2021.

In May 2021, Holo announced a partnership with Polkadot, a blockchain interoperability platform. The partnership aimed to enable Holo to leverage the scalability and security features of the Polkadot network, while also providing Polkadot users with access to the Holo hosting service.

In July 2021, Holo announced a strategic partnership with Xord, a blockchain consulting firm. The partnership aimed to accelerate the development of decentralized applications on the Holo platform, leveraging Xord's expertise in blockchain development and consulting.

In August 2021, Holo released its first major software update since the launch of the mainnet. The update included several new features and optimizations designed to improve the performance and usability of the Holo hosting service.

As of June 2023, the price of HOT is around $0.0037 per token, with a market capitalization of approximately $6 billion. The Holo platform continues to grow, with over 200,000 active hosts and a community of developers building decentralized applications on the platform.

In summary, Holo (HOT) is a peer-to-peer distributed platform designed to provide a decentralized hosting service. The project was launched in 2017, raised over $20 million in funding through an ICO, and runs on the Holochain framework using a unique consensus protocol called "proof-of-service." The Holo platform enables users to earn HOT tokens by providing hosting services, and has partnerships with Mozilla, Polkadot, and Xord. Holo's mainnet launched in early 2021, and the platform currently has over 200,000 active hosts and a growing community of developers building decentralized applications.

Holo Key Advantages and Unique Features

Holo (HOT) is a cryptocurrency that aims to power a decentralized hosting platform for distributed applications (dApps). It operates on the Holochain framework, which uses a peer-to-peer architecture and allows users to operate their own nodes, making it highly decentralized. Here are some of the key advantages and unique features of Holo:

First, Holo seeks to address some of the scalability issues faced by other blockchain-based platforms. Instead of relying on a single, global ledger, Holochain creates separate ledgers for each dApp, allowing them to scale independently. This enables Holo to support a large number of transactions without compromising on speed or security.

Another key advantage of Holo is its energy efficiency. Unlike traditional proof-of-work blockchains like Bitcoin, Holochain uses a consensus mechanism called "proof-of-service," which verifies transactions based on the services provided by each node. This means that no energy-intensive mining is required, resulting in a much smaller carbon footprint.

Holo also offers high levels of privacy and security. The Holochain architecture encrypts all data and ensures that users have full control over their personal information. Additionally, because each dApp has its own ledger, there is no need for a global consensus mechanism, reducing the risk of 51% attacks or other forms of malicious activity.

The Holochain framework also facilitates interoperability between different dApps. This means that developers can create new applications that seamlessly integrate with existing ones, leading to a more cohesive and interconnected ecosystem. As more dApps join the network, the value of Holo tokens is expected to increase.

Holo's decentralized hosting model also offers greater resilience and uptime than traditional centralized servers. Because there are no central points of failure, dApps can continue operating even if some nodes go offline. Additionally, users can choose to host their own nodes, reducing their reliance on third-party hosting providers.

One of the most unique features of Holo is its "currency as credit" model. Instead of buying and selling HOT tokens on an exchange, users can earn them by providing hosting services to dApps. This creates a self-sustaining economy where users are incentivized to contribute to the network's growth and success.

Finally, Holo is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to developers of all skill levels. The Holochain framework uses familiar programming languages like JavaScript and Python, making it easy for developers to get started. Additionally, Holo provides comprehensive documentation and tools to help developers build and deploy their own dApps.

In conclusion, Holo offers a number of advantages over traditional blockchain-based platforms. Its decentralized architecture, scalability, energy efficiency, privacy, security, interoperability, resilience, and unique economic model make it an attractive option for developers and users alike. As the Holo ecosystem continues to grow, it has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about distributed applications and decentralized hosting.

10 Facts About Holo

Holo (HOT) is a digital currency that powers the Holo network, a distributed cloud computing platform designed to enable decentralized applications (dApps) to run on the internet without relying on centralized servers.

Holo tokens were initially launched as ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain in 2018, but they have since been swapped for native HOT tokens on the Holo chain.

The total supply of HOT tokens is fixed at 177.6 billion, with approximately 133.2 billion currently in circulation.

Holo's unique approach to cloud computing involves using idle computing power from users' devices to host dApps, creating a more energy-efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional cloud services.

Holo has partnerships with several notable projects, including Mozilla, the creators of the Firefox web browser, and the popular peer-to-peer file-sharing service BitTorrent.

Holo's team is led by CEO Arthur Brock, who co-founded the project alongside Eric Harris-Braun in 2017. Brock is also the co-founder of the MetaCurrency Project, which focuses on building open-source systems for economic exchange.

The Holo network uses a novel consensus algorithm called "Proof of Hosting," which rewards users for providing computing power and storage space to host dApps.

Holo's mainnet went live in March 2021, marking a significant milestone for the project after years of development.

In addition to being used to power the Holo network, HOT tokens can also be traded on several major cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance, Huobi, and Bitfinex.

As of June 2023, the market capitalization of Holo was approximately $4.5 billion USD, making it one of the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market cap.

What is the Best Place to Exchange HOT?

Via service you can effortlessly swap Holo for over 700+ different assets. Begin by selecting HOT and your desired coin, paying attention to the network when making your choice. Next, provide the recipient's wallet address for the coin you're swapping to, and press 'Exchange' to continue. Deposit the required amount of HOT to the address displayed on the screen, ensuring you have the necessary amount to finalize the transaction. Once completed, check your wallet to confirm the arrival of your newly acquired coin. makes exchanging Holo simple and convenient, allowing you to enjoy a seamless experience with an extensive selection of coins to choose from.

Do I need to create an account on to swap Holo?

No, creating an account on is not necessary. The platform is registration-free and does not require any personal information or ID verification. Simply follow the steps provided on the website and exchange your crypto for Holo.

How long does it take to exchange Holo on

The exchange process on is fast and typically takes only a few minutes to complete. However, the actual time required may vary depending on network traffic and transaction confirmation times.

What is the minimum amount needed to swap Holo on has a minimum amount requirement for exchanging Holo on their platform. It's important to note that this minimum amount may change, so it's recommended to check the website for the latest requirements.

Is a legitimate service? Why should I trust is a legitimate service run by a team of experienced crypto enthusiasts with more than 7 years of industry knowledge. The platform aims to provide users with a convenient, fast, and transparent service. You can check reviews on and decide for yourself whether to trust the service or not.

What are some popular trading pairs for Holo on

Some popular trading pairs for Holo on include HOT/BTC, HOT/ETH, HOT/LTC, and HOT/USDT, among others.

Does support cross-chain exchanges for Holo?

Yes, supports cross-chain exchanges for Holo. You can choose any coin on any network and click the 'Exchange' button, and will handle the rest.

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