Exchange Ethereum Classic | How to Exchange Ethereum Classic (ETC) |

How to Exchange Ethereum Classic (ETC)

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Historical Price Chart

Ethereum Classic Current Market Data

NameEthereum Classic
Price Change 24h0.29%
Price Change 7d-1.25%
Price Change 30d3.51%
Price Change 60d26.59%
Market Cap$3,480,980,724.92
Circulating Supply145,248,985.20 ETC
Volume 24h$216,229,799.33

How to Exchange Ethereum Classic in Just a Few Straightforward Steps

If you are looking to ETC exchange, you are in the right place. Swap Ethereum Classic in a matter of minutes using crypto exchange. Just adhere to these 4 simple steps.

Pick ETC and any coin from over a 700+ listed assets. (pay attention to the network).
Choose ETC and preferable coin for swapping
To proceed with the ETC exchange, you need to provide the recipient’s wallet address and press “Exchange”.
Provide wallet address
Make a deposit to the address shown on the screen. It's crucial to have the necessary amount to finalize the transaction.
Make a deposit
Congratulations, you just exchanged Ethereum Classic! Check your wallet to ensure the arrival of your recently acquired coin.
Receive your new coins

Benefits of Exchanging ETC on



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We are constantly upgrading our platform to make Ethereum Classic exchanges really fast. The average speed for the swap is about 5-15 minutes.

Popular Ethereum Classic trading pairs

Here are some popular ETC trading pairs. You can buy ETC with every listed coin on

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Make your fastest ETC swaps using Our registration free and anonymous service allows you to exchange your crypto without KYC and limits.

How Much Ethereum Classic Can I Exchange on

Exchanging Ethereum Classic on is unlimited. You can start swapping ETC right now starting from the lower limit of ≈ $3.

There are no upper limits for Ethereum Classic exchanges at Exchange Ethereum Classic with other cryptocurrencies from the list of over 700 coins as much as you want to.

Cross-chain exchanges are available; just choose any coin on any network and click the Exchange button, and we'll do the rest for you

Why exchange Ethereum Classic?

Things you will be able to do with exchanged ETC:

You can use Ethereum Classic (ETC) to perform transactions, such as buying goods and services from merchants who accept ETC as a form of payment. The decentralized nature of ETC allows for fast, secure, and low-cost transactions without the need for intermediaries like banks.

ETC can also be used to participate in decentralized applications (dapps) built on the Ethereum Classic blockchain. These dapps offer a wide range of services, including gaming, finance, identity management, and more, all accessible through a single ETC wallet.

ETC holders can earn interest or other rewards by staking their coins. Staking involves holding ETC in a wallet and participating in the network's consensus process, which helps to secure the network and validate transactions. In return, stakers receive additional ETC tokens as compensation.

Finally, ETC can be traded on various cryptocurrency exchanges, allowing users to buy and sell ETC for other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies. This provides an opportunity for traders to profit from price fluctuations and increase their holdings of ETC over time.

What is Ethereum Classic?

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform and cryptocurrency that was launched in July 2015. It is the original version of the Ethereum blockchain and was created after an infamous hack occurred on the Ethereum network in June 2016. The hack involved the theft of more than $50 million worth of Ether (ETH), which led to a contentious debate within the Ethereum community about how to respond.

The Ethereum community ultimately decided to perform a hard fork, which would undo the hack by creating a new version of the blockchain with the stolen funds returned to their rightful owners. However, a group of Ethereum users disagreed with this decision, arguing that it violated the principles of immutability and decentralization. These users continued to support the original, unaltered Ethereum blockchain, which became known as Ethereum Classic.

Ethereum Classic operates on the same basic principles as Ethereum, including smart contracts and decentralized applications (dapps). Like Ethereum, it also uses a proof-of-work consensus algorithm, although there are plans to transition to proof-of-stake in the future. ETC can be used for a wide range of purposes, including payments, remittances, and asset tokenization.

One key difference between Ethereum and Ethereum Classic is their respective development communities. While Ethereum has a large and active developer community, Ethereum Classic's community is smaller and more focused on the platform's core principles of immutability and decentralization. This has led to some differences in terms of development priorities and the types of dapps being built on each platform.

Another notable difference is the market capitalization and price of the two cryptocurrencies. As of June 2023, Ethereum has a significantly higher market capitalization and price than Ethereum Classic. This is partly due to the fact that Ethereum has a larger user base and more widespread adoption, as well as a more robust developer ecosystem.

Despite these differences, Ethereum Classic has maintained a loyal following among some cryptocurrency enthusiasts who believe in its principles of immutability and decentralization. The platform has also been used in a number of notable projects, including the creation of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) known as The DAO, which was one of the catalysts for the Ethereum hard fork.

In recent years, Ethereum Classic has undergone a number of upgrades and improvements, including the adoption of the Thanos hard fork in November 2020, which reduced the block rewards and increased the mining difficulty to make the network more secure. The platform is also planning to implement further upgrades in the future, including the transition to proof-of-stake and the adoption of the Ethereum 2.0 protocol.

However, Ethereum Classic has also faced several challenges and controversies over the years. One of the most notable was the 51% attack that occurred in January 2019, which resulted in the theft of more than $1 million worth of ETC. The attack highlighted some of the potential security vulnerabilities of proof-of-work consensus algorithms and led to renewed interest in alternative consensus mechanisms like proof-of-stake.

Another challenge for Ethereum Classic has been its lack of mainstream adoption compared to Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies. This is partly due to its smaller user base and developer community, as well as its association with controversial events like The DAO hack and the subsequent hard fork.

Despite these challenges, Ethereum Classic remains an important part of the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem. Its focus on principles like immutability and decentralization is a reminder of the fundamental values that underpin blockchain technology, and it continues to attract developers and enthusiasts who share these values. As the broader cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how Ethereum Classic and other platforms adapt and grow in response.

Brief History of Ethereum Classic

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a decentralized blockchain-based cryptocurrency that was created as a result of a hard fork from the original Ethereum (ETH) blockchain in July 2016. The hard fork was due to a controversial decision by the Ethereum community to reverse the DAO hack, which resulted in the loss of millions of dollars worth of ETH.

Those who opposed the hard fork argued that it violated the immutability and decentralization principles of blockchain technology. They believed that the code is law, and any attempt to change the blockchain's history would undermine the credibility of the entire system.

As a result, a group of developers led by Arvicco launched Ethereum Classic, which continued to run on the original unaltered Ethereum blockchain. This meant that the hacked funds remained with the attacker, and the investors who lost their funds had no recourse.

Despite the controversy surrounding its creation, Ethereum Classic gained a significant following among crypto enthusiasts who valued its commitment to immutability and decentralization. It also attracted some miners who preferred the original Ethereum blockchain's mining algorithm.

In the early days, Ethereum Classic faced many challenges, including security issues, lack of developer support, and low trading volume. However, the community remained committed to the network, and over time, it started to gain traction.

One of the most significant developments for Ethereum Classic came in late 2017 when it was added to major cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase and Binance. This increased its visibility and made it more accessible to investors.

In early 2020, Ethereum Classic suffered three 51% attacks within a month, which led to the loss of millions of dollars worth of ETC. The attacks highlighted the vulnerability of smaller Proof-of-Work blockchains to such attacks.

Despite these setbacks, Ethereum Classic has continued to grow and evolve. The project has undergone several upgrades, including the Atlantis, Agharta, and Phoenix hard forks, which introduced new features and improved the network's performance.

In 2021, Ethereum Classic launched its latest upgrade, called Magneto. This upgrade included improvements to the blockchain's security, stability, and scalability, as well as the introduction of new features like token standards and smart contract templates.

Today, Ethereum Classic remains a popular cryptocurrency with a market capitalization of over $6 billion. It is widely used for peer-to-peer transactions, decentralized applications (dApps), and smart contracts.

Despite its success, Ethereum Classic continues to face challenges, including competition from other cryptocurrencies, security concerns, and regulatory uncertainty. However, the community remains committed to the principles of decentralization and immutability that underpin the project.

Looking ahead, the future of Ethereum Classic will likely depend on its ability to adapt to changing market conditions and technological developments. The project's developers and supporters will need to continue innovating and improving the network to stay relevant and competitive in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency.

Ethereum Classic Key Advantages and Unique Features

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a decentralized cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology, which was created as a result of the hard fork from the original Ethereum network. ETC has its own unique set of advantages and features that distinguish it from other cryptocurrencies in the market.

One of the key advantages of Ethereum Classic is its immutability. The ETC blockchain is resistant to any form of external manipulation or censorship, which means that transactions made on the network are irreversible and cannot be changed.

Another significant advantage of Ethereum Classic is its high level of security. ETC utilizes the same mining algorithm as Bitcoin, which is known as Proof-of-Work (PoW), and requires miners to perform complex mathematical calculations to validate transactions. This makes it difficult for malicious actors to attack the network and compromise its security.

ETC also boasts a highly decentralized network, with no central authority controlling the network's operations. This ensures that no single entity can manipulate or alter the system, making it more resilient to attacks and ensuring greater trust in the system.

In addition to its security and decentralization, Ethereum Classic also offers low transaction fees and fast confirmations compared to other cryptocurrencies. This makes it an attractive option for users looking to make quick and affordable transactions.

Ethereum Classic's smart contract functionality is another unique feature that sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies. Smart contracts enable the creation of self-executing contracts that automatically execute when specific conditions are met. This feature has many potential applications in various industries, such as finance, real estate, and supply chain management.

ETC is also highly interoperable, allowing for seamless integration with other blockchains and platforms. This makes it easier for developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) and conduct cross-chain transactions.

Ethereum Classic also offers privacy features through its integration with zk-SNARKs, a type of zero-knowledge proof technology that enables users to keep their transaction data private and secure.

Another unique feature of Ethereum Classic is its focus on community governance. ETC holders can participate in the decision-making process through a decentralized governance system, which allows for transparent, democratic decision-making.

ETC has a finite total supply of 210 million coins, providing a level of scarcity that promotes value preservation and reduces inflation over time.

Ethereum Classic also supports the development of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, allowing users to access various financial services without the need for intermediaries or traditional financial institutions.

Finally, Ethereum Classic is supported by a vibrant and growing community of developers and enthusiasts, who are dedicated to advancing the network and exploring new use cases for the technology.

conclusion, Ethereum Classic offers a range of unique advantages and features that make it an attractive option for users looking for a secure, decentralized, and versatile cryptocurrency platform. Its immutability, high security, smart contract functionality, interoperability, privacy features, and community governance all contribute to making it a valuable asset in the world of blockchain technology.

10 Facts About Ethereum Classic

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a decentralized, open-source cryptocurrency that was created in 2016 as a result of a hard fork from the original Ethereum blockchain.

The main difference between Ethereum and Ethereum Classic is that the former implemented a hard fork to reverse the effects of a hack on the blockchain, while the latter decided to maintain the original blockchain without any changes.

ETC has a maximum supply of 210 million coins, with over 116 million coins currently in circulation.

ETC can be mined using a proof-of-work consensus algorithm, similar to Bitcoin's mining process.

The ETC network allows for the creation of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps), making it a popular platform for developers.

One of the unique features of ETC is its monetary policy, which is designed to ensure that the coin remains scarce. ETC's block reward decreases by 20% every 5 million blocks.

ETC transactions are processed quickly and have low fees compared to other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

ETC is listed on numerous cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken.

ETC has been used by several companies and organizations to raise funds through initial coin offerings (ICOs).

Despite being a relatively new cryptocurrency, ETC has a strong and active community of developers and users who continue to improve the network and increase its adoption.

What is the Best Place to Exchange ETC?

Via service you can effortlessly swap Ethereum Classic for over 700+ different assets. Begin by selecting ETC and your desired coin, paying attention to the network when making your choice. Next, provide the recipient's wallet address for the coin you're swapping to, and press 'Exchange' to continue. Deposit the required amount of ETC to the address displayed on the screen, ensuring you have the necessary amount to finalize the transaction. Once completed, check your wallet to confirm the arrival of your newly acquired coin. makes exchanging Ethereum Classic simple and convenient, allowing you to enjoy a seamless experience with an extensive selection of coins to choose from.

Do I need to create an account on to swap Ethereum Classic?

No, you don’t need to go through any registration process or provide any personal information to use's exchange services. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and allows you to buy Ethereum Classic with your crypto in just a few simple steps.

How long does it take to exchange Ethereum Classic on

Exchanging Ethereum Classic on takes only a few minutes to complete due to the platform's fast and efficient exchange process. However, the actual time may vary slightly depending on network traffic and transaction confirmation times.

What is the minimum amount needed to swap etc on

There is a minimum amount required for exchanging Ethereum Classic on, although this minimum amount can change. Check the platform for the latest requirements before making any exchanges.

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What are some popular etc trading pairs?

Some popular Ethereum Classic (etc) trading pairs on include etc/BTC, etc/ETH, etc/LTC, and etc/USDT.

Are cross-chain exchanges available for Ethereum Classic?

Yes, supports cross-chain exchanges for Ethereum Classic. This means you can exchange etc for other coins on different networks, and will handle the process for you. Simply choose the coin you want to exchange etc for and click the 'Exchange' button.

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