Exchange DeFiChain | How to Exchange DeFiChain (DFI) |

How to Exchange DeFiChain (DFI)

Exchange DFI instantly

Swap DeFiChain (DFI) in a few clicks on
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Historical Price Chart

DeFiChain Current Market Data

Price Change 24h-0.34%
Price Change 7d-7.20%
Price Change 30d-11.95%
Price Change 60d-49.06%
Market Cap$107,130,880.35
Circulating Supply850,800,313.30 DFI
Volume 24h$3,558,190.09

How to Exchange DeFiChain in Just a Few Straightforward Steps

If you are looking to DFI exchange, you are in the right place. Swap DeFiChain in a matter of minutes using crypto exchange. Just adhere to these 4 simple steps.

Pick DFI and any coin from over a 700+ listed assets. (pay attention to the network).
Choose DFI and preferable coin for swapping
To proceed with the DFI exchange, you need to provide the recipient’s wallet address and press “Exchange”.
Provide wallet address
Make a deposit to the address shown on the screen. It's crucial to have the necessary amount to finalize the transaction.
Make a deposit
Congratulations, you just exchanged DeFiChain! Check your wallet to ensure the arrival of your recently acquired coin.
Receive your new coins

Benefits of Exchanging DFI on



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We are constantly upgrading our platform to make DeFiChain exchanges really fast. The average speed for the swap is about 5-15 minutes.

Popular DeFiChain trading pairs

Here are some popular DFI trading pairs. You can buy DFI with every listed coin on

Buy DeFiChain anonymously

Make your fastest DFI swaps using Our registration free and anonymous service allows you to exchange your crypto without KYC and limits.

How Much DeFiChain Can I Exchange on

Exchanging DeFiChain on is unlimited. You can start swapping DFI right now starting from the lower limit of ≈ $3.

There are no upper limits for DeFiChain exchanges at Exchange DeFiChain with other cryptocurrencies from the list of over 700 coins as much as you want to.

Cross-chain exchanges are available; just choose any coin on any network and click the Exchange button, and we'll do the rest for you

Why exchange DeFiChain?

Things you will be able to do with exchanged DFI:

You would be able to stake your DeFiChain cryptocurrency to earn rewards and participate in the governance of the network. Staking involves holding your tokens in a specific wallet or smart contract for a certain period, allowing you to earn additional tokens as a reward for helping to secure the network.

You could also use your DeFiChain cryptocurrency to trade on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and access a wide range of assets with minimal fees and no central authority controlling the platform. DEXs facilitate peer-to-peer trading and allow you to maintain control of your funds at all times.

Another way to utilize your DeFiChain cryptocurrency is to participate in liquidity provision on decentralized liquidity pools. This involves providing your tokens as liquidity to a pool and earning a share of the transaction fees generated by that pool. This can be a lucrative way to earn passive income while also supporting the liquidity of the network.

Finally, you could use your DeFiChain cryptocurrency to take out loans or provide collateral for loans on DeFi lending platforms. These platforms allow you to borrow or lend assets without the need for intermediaries, providing greater financial freedom and accessibility.

What is DeFiChain?

DeFiChain is a cryptocurrency that operates on its own blockchain and is specifically designed to facilitate decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. Launched in 2020, DeFiChain aims to provide seamless access to financial services, such as lending and borrowing, without the need for intermediaries such as banks.

One of the key features of DeFiChain is its ability to enable decentralized trading of multiple cryptocurrencies without relying on centralized exchanges. This means that users can trade directly with each other, which can reduce costs and increase transparency.

DeFiChain uses a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, where holders of DFI (the native token of DeFiChain) can participate in securing the network and earn rewards for doing so. This incentivizes users to hold and stake their DFI tokens, which can help to stabilize the price and increase demand for the cryptocurrency.

DeFiChain is also designed to be scalable and fast, with block times of just 20 seconds and the ability to process up to 65,000 transactions per second. This makes it well-suited for high-volume trading and other DeFi applications that require fast and efficient processing.

In addition to trading, DeFiChain also supports a range of other DeFi applications, such as lending and borrowing, staking, and yield farming. These applications are built using smart contracts, which are self-executing programs that automate the terms of agreements between parties.

DeFiChain has a limited supply of 1 billion DFI tokens, with no plans to create additional tokens in the future. This scarcity can help to maintain the value of the cryptocurrency over time, as demand for the tokens increases.

Unlike some other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, DeFiChain does not have strict anonymity features. Instead, it focuses on transparency, allowing users to view all transactions on the blockchain and providing auditable records of all activity.

DeFiChain is also focused on accessibility, with a user-friendly wallet and interface that make it easy for anyone to participate in DeFi applications. This has helped to attract a broad range of users, from crypto enthusiasts to casual investors.

While DeFiChain is still a relatively new cryptocurrency, it has already gained significant attention in the DeFi space. Its fast and scalable blockchain, along with its focus on transparency and accessibility, make it a promising platform for a wide range of DeFi applications.

However, as with any cryptocurrency, there are also risks associated with investing in DeFiChain. The value of DFI tokens can be volatile, and there is always the risk of hacking or other security issues.

Despite these risks, DeFiChain represents an exciting development in the world of decentralized finance. By providing a fast, scalable, and accessible platform for trading and other DeFi applications, it has the potential to revolutionize the financial industry and provide greater access to financial services for people around the world.

Brief History of DeFiChain

DeFiChain (DFI) is a blockchain platform designed to support decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. It was launched on September 2020 by a team based in Singapore.

The primary goal of DeFiChain is to enable users to take advantage of DeFi applications without the need for intermediaries like banks or financial institutions. DeFiChain utilizes the Bitcoin blockchain as its base layer and adds features that facilitate advanced financial services.

DFI is the native cryptocurrency of DeFiChain. It is used as a medium of exchange for transactions within the DeFiChain ecosystem and also serves as a governance token, allowing DFI holders to participate in decision-making processes related to the platform's development.

Initially, DFI was distributed via airdrop to eligible Bitcoin holders who had their BTC stored in specific wallets at the time of the snapshot. This distribution model aimed to incentivize Bitcoin holders to engage with the DeFi ecosystem.

DeFiChain uses a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which allows DFI holders to earn rewards for staking their tokens. Staking involves locking up DFI tokens to help secure the network and validate transactions. Stakers receive a portion of the block rewards as compensation.

DeFiChain has several DeFi applications built on top of its blockchain, including a DEX (decentralized exchange), liquidity mining pools, synthetic assets, yield farming, and more. These allow users to trade cryptocurrencies, earn interest on their holdings, and access other financial services without relying on centralized intermediaries.

In March 2021, DeFiChain announced an integration with Chainlink, a leading oracle provider. This integration allows DeFiChain to access off-chain data feeds, enabling DeFi applications to interact with real-world events and pricing information.

In April 2021, DeFiChain announced a partnership with, a crypto e-commerce platform that allows users to purchase products from major online retailers using cryptocurrencies. This partnership aims to increase adoption of DFI and other DeFiChain assets as a means of payment.

In May 2021, DeFiChain launched its mobile wallet app for Android and iOS devices. The app allows users to manage their DFI holdings, stake their tokens, and access DeFi applications on the go.

In June 2021, DeFiChain announced an integration with Polygon (formerly Matic Network), a Layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum. This integration allows DeFiChain to leverage Polygon's infrastructure to provide faster and cheaper transactions for its users.

In July 2021, DeFiChain announced the launch of its first decentralized lending platform. The platform allows users to borrow and lend assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and DFI, with interest rates determined by supply and demand.

DeFiChain has been listed on several cryptocurrency exchanges, including Bitrue, KuCoin, and Bittrex Global. These listings have increased liquidity for DFI and made it more accessible to a wider range of users.

DeFiChain has also gained support from industry leaders and investors, including Roger Ver, founder of, and Tim Draper, a prominent venture capitalist. This support has helped to raise awareness of DeFiChain and its potential to disrupt traditional financial systems.

Looking forward, DeFiChain plans to continue expanding its ecosystem and developing new DeFi applications. It aims to become a leading platform for DeFi services that offer greater accessibility, transparency, and security than traditional finance.

DeFiChain Key Advantages and Unique Features

DeFiChain is a blockchain network that was specifically designed for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. It leverages the features of Bitcoin and enhances them with several unique characteristics to create a platform that is uniquely suited for DeFi use cases.

One of the key advantages of DeFiChain is its focus on privacy. The platform uses the same encryption technology as Bitcoin, which ensures that all transactions are secure and anonymous. Additionally, DeFiChain also supports privacy-enhancing technologies such as zk-SNARKs, which can be used to provide further privacy for users.

Another advantage of DeFiChain is its scalability. The platform is built on top of the Bitcoin network, which means that it inherits the security and reliability of Bitcoin but is not constrained by its limited processing power. This allows DeFiChain to support a much higher transaction throughput than Bitcoin while still maintaining the same level of security.

DeFiChain also provides users with a range of advanced financial tools. For example, users can earn passive income by staking their DeFiChain tokens or providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Additionally, the platform supports a wide range of decentralized lending and borrowing protocols, as well as synthetic assets that track the price of real-world assets.

In addition to its financial tools, DeFiChain also has a strong focus on community governance. Users can vote on proposals that impact the future development of the platform, which helps to ensure that the platform remains aligned with the needs of its users.

One unique feature of DeFiChain is its integration with the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This allows users to move funds between the two networks seamlessly, which can help to reduce transaction fees and increase liquidity.

Another unique aspect of DeFiChain is its focus on enabling DeFi applications for the real world. The platform has partnered with several companies in industries such as real estate and logistics to develop DeFi solutions that can address specific industry needs.

DeFiChain also has a strong commitment to decentralization. The platform is completely open-source, which means that anyone can contribute to its development. Additionally, the platform is built on a network of masternodes, which are operated by community members and help to ensure that the network remains secure and decentralized.

Finally, DeFiChain has a strong track record of innovation. The platform was one of the first to implement the concept of Decentralized Finance on top of the Bitcoin network and has continued to push the boundaries of what is possible with DeFi ever since.

In conclusion, DeFiChain is a blockchain network that offers several unique advantages and features that make it well-suited for DeFi applications. Its focus on privacy, scalability, advanced financial tools, community governance, real-world integration, and decentralization make it a promising platform for the future of DeFi. As the DeFi space continues to grow and evolve, DeFiChain is likely to remain at the forefront of this exciting new area of finance.

10 Facts About DeFiChain

DeFiChain is a blockchain platform designed specifically for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, and its native cryptocurrency is called DFI.

DFI is a proof-of-stake (PoS) coin that can be staked to earn rewards and participate in the governance of the DeFiChain ecosystem.

The maximum supply of DFI is capped at 1 billion, with approximately 215 million currently in circulation.

One of the unique features of DeFiChain is its ability to enable decentralized trading of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies on the DeFiChain DEX, without the need for wrapped versions or intermediaries.

In addition to trading, DeFiChain also offers lending and borrowing services, allowing users to earn interest on their crypto holdings or take out loans using their crypto as collateral.

DeFiChain has a highly active and engaged community, with developers and enthusiasts regularly contributing to the project's open-source codebase and participating in community-led initiatives like the DeFiChain Foundation.

DeFiChain's decentralized governance model allows token holders to propose and vote on changes to the protocol, including updates to the network's consensus rules and funding proposals for new projects and initiatives.

DeFiChain is built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, which provides security and stability for the DeFiChain network while also allowing it to leverage Bitcoin's vast user base and liquidity.

DeFiChain's focus on supporting DeFi applications has led to partnerships with a variety of industry players, including Chainlink, Swipe, and BitGo.

DeFiChain has ambitious plans for the future, including expanding its product offerings, integrating with additional blockchains, and exploring new use cases for decentralized finance.

What is the Best Place to Exchange DFI?

Via service you can effortlessly swap DeFiChain for over 700+ different assets. Begin by selecting DFI and your desired coin, paying attention to the network when making your choice. Next, provide the recipient's wallet address for the coin you're swapping to, and press 'Exchange' to continue. Deposit the required amount of DFI to the address displayed on the screen, ensuring you have the necessary amount to finalize the transaction. Once completed, check your wallet to confirm the arrival of your newly acquired coin. makes exchanging DeFiChain simple and convenient, allowing you to enjoy a seamless experience with an extensive selection of coins to choose from.

Do I need to create an account on to swap DeFiChain?

No, you don’t need to create an account or provide any personal information to swap DeFiChain on The platform is free from any ID verification requirements and offers a registration-free service.

How long does it take to exchange DeFiChain on

The exchange process on is usually very fast and can be completed in just a few minutes. However, the actual time may vary depending on network traffic and transaction confirmation times.

What is the minimum amount needed to swap dfi on

There is a minimum amount required for swapping DeFiChain on the platform, but this requirement may change over time. It's recommended to check the platform for the latest requirements before initiating an exchange.

Is legit? Why should I trust

Yes, is a legitimate DeFiChain exchange platform. The team behind consists of experienced crypto enthusiasts with more than 7 years of experience in the industry. The platform aims to offer convenient, fast, and transparent services to its users, and customer reviews can be found directly on

What are some popular DeFiChain trading pairs?

Some popular DeFiChain trading pairs available on include DFI/BTC, DFI/ETH, DFI/LTC, and DFI/USDT, among others.

Are cross-chain exchanges available for DeFiChain?

Yes, supports cross-chain exchanges for DeFiChain. Users can choose any coin on any network, click the 'Exchange' button, and will handle the rest of the process.

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