How to Exchange Basic Attention Token (BAT)
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Swap Basic Attention Token (BAT) in a few clicks on
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Historical Price Chart
Basic Attention Token Current Market Data
Name | Basic Attention Token |
Price | $0.23 |
Price Change 24h | 2.03% |
Price Change 7d | 0.35% |
Price Change 30d | -10.39% |
Price Change 60d | 8.39% |
Market Cap | $341,661,961.33 |
Circulating Supply | 1,490,413,700.95 BAT |
Volume 24h | $14,795,370.46 |
How to Exchange Basic Attention Token in Just a Few Straightforward Steps
If you are looking to BAT exchange, you are in the right place. Swap Basic Attention Token in a matter of minutes using crypto exchange. Just adhere to these 4 simple steps.
Benefits of Exchanging BAT on
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Here are some popular BAT trading pairs. You can buy BAT with every listed coin on
How Much Basic Attention Token Can I Exchange on
Exchanging Basic Attention Token on is unlimited. You can start swapping BAT right now starting from the lower limit of ≈ $3.
There are no upper limits for Basic Attention Token exchanges at Exchange Basic Attention Token with other cryptocurrencies from the list of over 700 coins as much as you want to.
Cross-chain exchanges are available; just choose any coin on any network and click the Exchange button, and we'll do the rest for you
Why exchange Basic Attention Token?
Things you will be able to do with exchanged BAT:
Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a cryptocurrency that is designed to be used within the Brave Browser ecosystem, which aims to provide users with a more private and secure browsing experience. Here are four things you can do with your BAT:
1. Tip content creators: With your BAT, you can support your favorite content creators on the web by tipping them directly through the Brave Browser. This provides a new way for creators to monetize their work while offering more value to their audience.
2. Ad-free browsing: You can use your BAT to get rid of ads while browsing the internet using the Brave Browser. This enhances your browsing experience and helps protect your privacy by blocking intrusive trackers that collect your data without consent.
3. Buy digital goods: BAT can also be used to purchase digital goods and services within the Brave Browser, including premium content, subscriptions, and other products. This creates a new way for businesses to accept payments and interact with customers online.
4. Exchange for other cryptocurrencies: Finally, you can trade your BAT for other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies on various cryptocurrency exchanges. This provides more liquidity for BAT holders and enables them to diversify their portfolio if desired.
What is Basic Attention Token?
Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a decentralized cryptocurrency that was created to improve the efficiency of digital advertising. It is built on top of the Ethereum blockchain and aims to create a more transparent and fair system for both advertisers and users.
BAT was founded by Brendan Eich, who is also the creator of JavaScript and co-founder of Mozilla Firefox. The token is designed to be used within the Brave browser, which uses blockchain technology to enable faster and more secure browsing while protecting user privacy.
The primary purpose of BAT is to facilitate a new form of digital advertising where users are rewarded for their attention and engagement with ads. Users can opt-in to view advertisements and earn BAT tokens as a reward for their engagement.
Advertisers can use BAT to purchase ad space, and they can specify how much they are willing to pay for user attention. This helps to eliminate fraudulent clicks and impressions and creates a more efficient market for digital advertising.
In addition to its use in digital advertising, BAT can also be used as a means of payment within the Brave ecosystem. Users can use BAT to tip content creators, buy premium content, or support their favorite websites.
BAT is based on the ERC-20 standard, which is a set of rules for creating tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. This means that BAT can be stored in any Ethereum wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens.
The total supply of BAT is fixed at 1.5 billion tokens, and the tokens are released over time as part of a token sale process. The proceeds from the sale are used to fund the development of the Brave browser and the BAT ecosystem.
One of the most significant benefits of BAT is its focus on user privacy and security. The Brave browser blocks third-party tracking scripts by default, and all user data is stored locally on the user's device rather than being sent to a central server.
Another benefit of BAT is its potential to disrupt the current digital advertising industry. By creating a more transparent and efficient market, BAT could help to reduce the dominance of major ad networks and give smaller publishers and content creators a fair share of the revenue.
However, there are also some challenges facing BAT. One concern is that it relies heavily on the success of the Brave browser, which has a relatively small user base compared to major browsers like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
Another challenge is that BAT faces competition from other blockchain-based advertising platforms, such as AdEx and AdShares. These platforms also aim to create a more transparent and efficient market for digital advertising, and they may offer features that BAT does not have.
Despite these challenges, BAT has seen significant growth since its launch in 2017. The token has been listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges and has gained support from prominent investors and influencers in the crypto community.
As with any cryptocurrency, the value of BAT can be volatile and is subject to market fluctuations. However, the potential benefits of BAT and its innovative approach to digital advertising make it an interesting project to watch in the evolving world of blockchain technology.
Brief History of Basic Attention Token
Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a cryptocurrency project that was launched in 2017 by Brendan Eich, the co-founder of Mozilla and creator of JavaScript. The goal of BAT is to improve digital advertising by creating a decentralized platform that better connects advertisers with consumers.
The Basic Attention Token is based on the Ethereum blockchain, which allows for smart contracts and decentralization. The team behind BAT includes experienced professionals from the advertising industry, including Brian Brown, who previously worked as an executive at Google.
BAT's main value proposition is its ability to incentivize users to view advertisements by rewarding them with BAT tokens. This approach is intended to increase engagement while still preserving user privacy. Users can choose to receive ads, and they are paid in BAT tokens for their attention.
The BAT project raised $35 million in just 30 seconds during its initial coin offering (ICO) in May 2017. The project quickly gained traction and was added to several major cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance and Coinbase.
Brave, a web browser developed by Brendan Eich's previous company, Mozilla, is a key component of the BAT ecosystem. Brave blocks ads and trackers by default, but users can choose to view ads in exchange for BAT tokens. Advertisers can purchase ad space on Brave using BAT tokens, and these ads are targeted to specific users based on their browsing habits.
In addition to its use in the Brave browser, BAT has been integrated into several other platforms, including the Dow Jones Media Group and TAP Network. The Dow Jones Media Group uses BAT to reward users for engaging with content, while TAP Network allows users to earn BAT by completing surveys and other tasks.
Since its launch, the price of BAT has fluctuated significantly. At its peak in early 2018, BAT was trading at over $0.80 per token, but it has since fallen to around $0.50 per token as of June 2023.
Despite its ups and downs, BAT has continued to gain adoption, with over 10 million monthly active users on the Brave browser alone as of June 2023. The BAT team has also continued to develop new features and partnerships to expand the ecosystem.
One notable development is the launch of the BAT Roadmap 2.0 in 2021, which outlined several upcoming features, including decentralized advertising confirmations and support for non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
The team behind BAT has also been actively working to address concerns around user privacy. In 2019, Brave announced that it would implement a new system called "Private Ads" that would allow users to earn BAT tokens by viewing ads without revealing any personal information.
Another key aspect of the BAT project is its focus on transparency. The BAT team has published regular reports detailing the use of funds raised during the ICO, as well as updates on new partnerships and features.
Looking ahead, the BAT team will continue to focus on expanding the ecosystem and improving user experience. The team has stated that they plan to make BAT a core component of the emerging Web3 ecosystem, which aims to create a more decentralized and user-centric internet.
However, BAT is not without its challenges. The project faces stiff competition from other blockchain-based advertising platforms, such as AdEx and Adshares. Additionally, some users may be hesitant to adopt BAT due to its association with cryptocurrency, which remains a relatively new and volatile technology.
In conclusion, the Basic Attention Token is a cryptocurrency project that aims to revolutionize digital advertising through incentivization and decentralization. Since its launch in 2017, BAT has gained significant traction, with millions of users and partnerships with major media companies. While it faces challenges from other projects and user adoption remains a concern, BAT's commitment to privacy and transparency make it a promising player in the blockchain-based advertising space.
Basic Attention Token Key Advantages and Unique Features
Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a cryptocurrency that was created to address key issues faced by advertisers, publishers, and users in the digital advertising industry. Unlike traditional digital advertising models that rely on third-party intermediaries to track user data and display ads, BAT leverages blockchain technology to create a decentralized ecosystem where advertisers can reach their target audience, publishers can earn revenue for their content, and users can enjoy a more personalized and privacy-focused browsing experience.
One of the key advantages of BAT is its ability to provide a transparent and fair system for all stakeholders in the digital advertising ecosystem. With the help of blockchain technology, BAT ensures that advertisers pay only for ads that have been viewed by real people, while publishers receive compensation for their content based on the attention it receives from users. This eliminates the need for middlemen and reduces the risk of fraud and ad-blocking.
Another unique feature of BAT is its use of Brave browser, which is designed to enhance user privacy and security. The browser blocks trackers, ads, and other online tracking technologies, giving users greater control over their personal data. Through the browser, users can opt-in to view non-intrusive ads, which can be rewarded with BAT tokens. These tokens can then be used to support their favorite content creators or exchanged for other cryptocurrencies.
Moreover, BAT's value proposition is centered around promoting a better user experience by incentivizing users to engage with ads they are interested in, and rewarding them for doing so. This contrasts with the traditional model, where users are bombarded with irrelevant and intrusive ads. By providing users with more control and choice over the ads they see, BAT aims to foster a more respectful and engaging relationship between advertisers and consumers.
In addition, BAT tokenomics are designed to create a stable and sustainable ecosystem. A fixed supply of 1.5 billion tokens has been created, with roughly two-thirds of the tokens allocated for circulation among users, advertisers, and publishers. The remaining tokens are held in reserve to maintain the stability of the BAT economy and fund future development.
The BAT ecosystem has several other advantages that distinguish it from traditional advertising models. For instance, because users control their data, they are more likely to share accurate and up-to-date information with advertisers, leading to better-targeted ads and higher conversion rates. Additionally, because publishers receive compensation based on user attention rather than clicks or impressions, they have an incentive to produce high-quality content that engages readers.
Finally, BAT's decentralized architecture provides a level of security and transparency that is unmatched by traditional advertising networks. Because user data is stored on the blockchain, it is protected against hacking, fraud, and other malicious activities. Moreover, because all transactions are publicly recorded, there is a high degree of transparency and accountability throughout the ecosystem. This helps to build trust between advertisers, publishers, and users, which is essential for the long-term success of any digital advertising model.
10 Facts About Basic Attention Token
Basic Attention Token (BAT) is an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency designed to improve online advertising and browsing experiences for both content creators and consumers.
The BAT platform was created by the co-founder of Mozilla Firefox and creator of JavaScript, Brendan Eich, who also founded the Brave web browser.
BAT's primary use case is through the Brave browser, where users can earn BAT tokens by choosing to view privacy-respecting advertisements or by purchasing them on exchanges.
The BAT ecosystem aims to create a more transparent and efficient digital advertising model by allowing advertisers to directly pay content creators and consumers for their attention and engagement.
BAT uses a unique advertising model called "privacy-preserving ads" that ensures user data is kept private while still allowing advertisers to target specific demographics.
The BAT token has a current circulating supply of around 1.5 billion tokens out of a total supply of 1.5 billion tokens.
As of June 2023, BAT has a market capitalization of around $4 billion USD, making it one of the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market cap.
BAT has been integrated with several popular cryptocurrency wallets such as Ledger, MyEtherWallet, and Trezor, making it easy for users to store and manage their tokens.
BAT has partnered with several major brands and companies, including Vice, The Guardian, and Dow Jones Media Group, to offer privacy-focused advertising to their audiences.
Users can use BAT tokens to support content creators and publishers on platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and Vimeo, helping to create a more sustainable and fair online content economy.
What is the Best Place to Exchange BAT?
Via service you can effortlessly swap Basic Attention Token for over 700+ different assets. Begin by selecting BAT and your desired coin, paying attention to the network when making your choice. Next, provide the recipient's wallet address for the coin you're swapping to, and press 'Exchange' to continue. Deposit the required amount of BAT to the address displayed on the screen, ensuring you have the necessary amount to finalize the transaction. Once completed, check your wallet to confirm the arrival of your newly acquired coin. makes exchanging Basic Attention Token simple and convenient, allowing you to enjoy a seamless experience with an extensive selection of coins to choose from.
Do I need to create an account on to swap Basic Attention Token?
No, you don't need to create an account or provide any personal information to use's registration-free service. Follow their simple steps and exchange your crypto for Basic Attention Token hassle-free.
How long does it take to exchange Basic Attention Token on
The exchange process on is usually quick and takes only a few minutes to complete. However, the actual time may vary slightly depending on network traffic and transaction confirmation times.
What is the minimum amount needed to swap bat on
There is a minimum amount required for Basic Attention Token exchange on, but this amount may change, so it's advisable to check the platform for the latest requirements.
Is legit? Why should I trust
Yes, is legit, and they have a team of experienced crypto enthusiasts who aim to provide fast, convenient, and transparent services to users. Besides, they value user feedback and strive to improve their services continually. Check out reviews on their website to see what others are saying about them.
What are some popular BAT trading pairs?
Some popular Basic Attention Token trading pairs on include BAT/BTC, BAT/ETH, BAT/LTC, and BAT/USDT, among others.
Are cross-chain exchanges available for Basic Attention Token?
Yes, supports cross-chain exchanges for Basic Attention Token, meaning you can choose any coin on any network and exchange it for BAT easily. Just click the 'Exchange' button, and will take care of the rest.